The Dark One
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  • Please tell me you're referencing the same thing I am.
    The Dark One
    The Dark One
    Unfortunately for you, I am not. I'm just evil.
    Noooo :c Here I was, thinking I finally found someone who was into TWoT as well
    I kinda lurk alot now, oh well.
    • Like
    Reactions: Aesir
    Lurking is alright, especially if you're the eye of sauron. In all honesty, I think I may go back to lurking for some time as well. Maybe it'll be refreshing.
    When exactly would 1.3.1 be released? Hope for a midnight release so I can play on Sunday rather than Monday. I hate Mondays and time zones.
    Your going to have 1.3.1 available for many years, im sure your not going to explode if you don't play it the instant the patch goes live
    Does it really matter if you can play the game right after it's released?
    The Dark One
    The Dark One
    I have this thing called crappy internet. It makes things take forever to download.
    You have a beautiful eye.
    The Eye of Sauron is hot.
    The Dark One
    The Dark One
    Don't wanna know what happened to the other one, it's covered with a cloak of invisibility type eye patch.
    Something to actually talk about. How does one change their title.
    Erienna Nakagai
    Erienna Nakagai
    When you unlock another one, you can go to (I think) and it'll be one of the options there.
    The Dark One
    The Dark One
    I must be blind or something, looked right over it.
    You know what would be evil? A biome darker than everything from everything forever, multiplied by 42.
    Kyouko Tsukino
    Kyouko Tsukino
    "Darkness isn't fundamentally evil. Just like water or fire, it can be used in your favor. Water can drown you, or keep you alive. Fire can keep you warm, or burn you to death. Darkness can frighten you, or keep you safe from dangers which are afraid of it."
    The Dark One
    The Dark One
    It also conceals the evil within, darkness is not a single thing, but rather a fundamental element of the everything from everything ever multiplied by 42.
    Can finally host servers, only took me 2 years...
    Really? You mean like with steam? I could always host servers, I portforwarded without my parents permission a while back. Sure I got yelled at but it was worth it. Plus I knew what I was doing.
    The Dark One
    The Dark One
    Nah I didn't know how to portfoward and forgot to opens ports. Opps... And 2 years is an exxageration. :guidegrin:
    Status updated.
    i laugh every time someone says "i'll destroy those things, leave it to me, i have insect powers!", only to be reduced to gory confetti in the next page
    Kyouko Tsukino
    Kyouko Tsukino
    And then the main guy who was a useless nobody with a worthless power jumps in and kills twenty roaches in one page. I gave up on reading when a Sasuke-wannabe showed up. "Not this 'I hate you because you're my best friend' :red: again."
    "Used&Abused cliches : not even Mars is safe" edition
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