TheBilateralGamer Mar 12, 2018 So I just came back from months of inactivity, and I need a new profile pic. Please give me any pic you would like and I'll use it.
So I just came back from months of inactivity, and I need a new profile pic. Please give me any pic you would like and I'll use it.
TheBilateralGamer Nov 11, 2017 Sonic Forces is painfully mediocre. I'm sad. At least Mania is a thing.
TheBilateralGamer Oct 26, 2017 Question: What game are you most excited about at the moment? Even tho I'm a Sonic fan, I have to admit that I'm excited for Mario Odyssey.
Question: What game are you most excited about at the moment? Even tho I'm a Sonic fan, I have to admit that I'm excited for Mario Odyssey.
TheBilateralGamer Sep 8, 2017 Question: What is your favorite video game soundtrack? At the moment, mine is Sonic Mania.
Question: What is your favorite video game soundtrack? At the moment, mine is Sonic Mania.
TheBilateralGamer Sep 4, 2017 I really need a new profile pic. Just reply with any random picture and I'll use it until I feel like getting a new one. Thanks.
I really need a new profile pic. Just reply with any random picture and I'll use it until I feel like getting a new one. Thanks.
TheBilateralGamer Aug 18, 2017 Currently listening to the Sonic Mania soundtrack because it's fantastic and you should listen to it and it's good and yeah.
Currently listening to the Sonic Mania soundtrack because it's fantastic and you should listen to it and it's good and yeah.
TheBilateralGamer Aug 14, 2017 I need a new profile picture and I don't feel like searching the internet for one. Any suggestions?
TheBilateralGamer Aug 8, 2017 I always forget how good of a soundtrack Regular Show had. Hey Man Nice Shot, Mississippi Queen, I Ran (So Far Away), and Heroes. So good!
I always forget how good of a soundtrack Regular Show had. Hey Man Nice Shot, Mississippi Queen, I Ran (So Far Away), and Heroes. So good!
TheBilateralGamer Jul 5, 2017 This is probably the greatest thing I've ever seen:
TheBilateralGamer Jun 13, 2017 QOTD: What is your favorite moment of E3? Mine has to either be Metroid Prime 4 or the Sonic Forces trailer that just came out. (cont.)
QOTD: What is your favorite moment of E3? Mine has to either be Metroid Prime 4 or the Sonic Forces trailer that just came out. (cont.)
TheBilateralGamer Jun 13, 2017 QOTD: If you could have an infinite amount of 3 different fruits, which fruits would you choose?
QOTD: If you could have an infinite amount of 3 different fruits, which fruits would you choose?
TheBilateralGamer May 30, 2017 Thanks SSF2. You ruined my Classic Mode run by putting me up against a Metal version of Meta Knight.
TheBilateralGamer May 29, 2017 Currently considering buying a new monitor because 1680 x 1050 is a weird resolution...
TheBilateralGamer May 27, 2017 So Star Vs. TFOE is getting a 2-Hour special as a season premiere... YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
TheBilateralGamer Apr 30, 2017 So I know nothing about Persona, but I just found Persona 5's incredible battle theme.
So I know nothing about Persona, but I just found Persona 5's incredible battle theme.
TheBilateralGamer Apr 16, 2017 Question: What game do you have the most memories of? Mine is a Playstation remake of a Gameboy Advance game called Pinobee. (cont.)
Question: What game do you have the most memories of? Mine is a Playstation remake of a Gameboy Advance game called Pinobee. (cont.)
There's reused assets all over the place, and you can tell they scrapped tons of , like the Chaos fight.