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  • It's been a long time.. I'm very sorry everyone I said nothing and left the project and everyone hanging. I promise to continue this project
    Hey guys! Progress for the gun system are compiling and fixing bugs currently for now. We'll be adding more features soon!
    been writing on spreadsheets for my mod plans so I wont forget them. C# will be coded in June and will probably be out by end of June.
    I need help with C#!!
    They're the beginning and an end to functions and stuff.
    For example, loops and commands like While, If and For start with { and end }
    They're also how you start and end your program,
    Void Main ()
    cool thanks! appreciate it!
    I want to ask you more on my code. brb I will PM u
    I need help with understand basic C# things like {}, doing wait functions, and how the C# works
    I only have Friday, Saturday Sundays and its about 8 hours +/- I have to play games, code ( all in that 8 hrs )
    Slight note to all of you guys: Progress has reached 6% for coding, thanks to Infinity's End for helping me. 0% guns done
    from one virus gone and now come freezes. genius microsoft why cant they just use 1 com to test a stupid update.
    I wonder if someone would go for a derp gun tha does 300 damage and reloads for 20 seconds.
    Infinity Mage
    Infinity Mage
    It would have to do around 4000 damage.
    I see in order to balance to the reload and etc
    I would have that.
    Destroyed gone in 3-ish minutes.
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