trezor Jul 25, 2015 Finally got S.D.M.G. ... I don't even know how many times i killed the Moon Lord, but i got all of the 4 armour set and the Solar wings
Finally got S.D.M.G. ... I don't even know how many times i killed the Moon Lord, but i got all of the 4 armour set and the Solar wings
Re-Misterio May 30, 2015 Lol, dude, when i saw your profile i tought it's a little smoking chinese woman XD
trezor Mar 21, 2015 I just found a Pink square. i breaked it with my pickaxe it gave a crimson altar sound and it dropped 2 life crystal
I just found a Pink square. i breaked it with my pickaxe it gave a crimson altar sound and it dropped 2 life crystal