welp i'm back again, doing another one o' these things and yep, i'm still on my psvita how tragic, also its quite late at night, 11:48 to be precise and i should probably be sleepin but nah i'm typing out a huge-
longboi on these forums, which brings me to the topic of todays rant, maybe i should do a part 3 of this with another rant anyway the topic is time zones, dontcha hate em, i mean they make everything harder for people who arent in the usa, like me, and even people who ARE in the usa, unlike me, which brings me to the second interesting thing i will be talking about, and that is the fact that i am from australia which is pretty nice, ive read about how americans think that aus is a
hole full of nasty creatures well thats only like 94% true, i mean living here has its moments, just last week i saw a kangaroo doing a jump which was nice, also its not as hot here as you might think, actually thats completely wrong, last friday it was 36 degrees, celcius of course, and now i am inspired to have another rant about
in the usa, literally one out of TWO countries in the whole schmuckin WORLD that still uses miles, ft, inch etc also farenheit which makes no sense whatsoever, ive heard heaps of stuff about how to remeber how many feet in amile and stuff like rhymes and all manner of strange gimmicks, but with the metric system you can remember a nice round number like 1000 metres in a kilometre, how easy is that, you leran once and never forget, just like riding a bike and GUESS WHAT its time to switch topics to uhhhhhhhhhh actually i dont know, ya know I hate it when i cant think of something to say in a conversation even though this aint a conversation its just me typing and then you reading (or not) probably weeks later than when i actually typed this hmmmmm i dont feel like im talking to anyone, maybe that means i should stop jow uhhhhhhhhhh yep g'bye my child