Xylia's latest activity

  • Xylia
    Looking at this pic, I'd have to say that I prefer the look of the old furnace over the new one. You craft a regular furnace out of some...
  • Xylia
    I kinda wish it were possible to have both modern Terraria AND the undeluxe edition listed separately in the Steam library. I mean I...
  • Xylia
    Maybe I'm just weird, but for me to "make my own goals", there needs to be something in the game world to actually interact with. If all...
  • Xylia
    So.... basically Minecraft, but 2D. I cannot, and will not, ever understand the mentality behind those videos. Do people really like...
  • Xylia
    OK the banner thing is ridiculously awesome. The rollerskates are curious... I wonder if they have similar mechanics as to minecarts...
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