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  • so we can name the teleportrs so like surface 1 to mushroom
    woops said save space twice
    Kyouko Tsukino
    Kyouko Tsukino
    I never said "stupid," I said "redundant." Don't put words you're thinking about in others' mouths, it's rude.

    And yes, I thought naming chests was redundant, have never used the feature since I simply put a sign in each row of chests in my vault in case I forget in which row ores/bricks/uniques/potions are.
    ok sorry
    You NEED to make this a thing!
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    Reactions: Plaguerion
    B-but it would be so helpful! Plus it isn't that hard to implement.
    The Ice Cube
    The Ice Cube
    I SAID NO.
    Chase Brower
    Chase Brower
    Personally, i think it's a great idea. They could just create another liquid called cement, and after the cement hasn't been added to with more liquid for like 30 seconds or so, it will fill all the blocks where it was with concrete blocks.
    for wiring suggestions make teleporters wireless and have a thing where u can like set teleporter 1 to teleporter 5 or something and be able to name teleporters. but its just a suggestion u dont have to.
    So, why exactly was tAPI discontinued? Was too much of the game's base code reworked in 1.3? Or did the team just decide they didn't want to continue development?
    Wait... Really? That's odd, because tAPI shouldn't work with 1.3. Like, at all. You shouldn't be able to even run it without crashing unless you have an older backup of terraria, but it sounds like you don't. I'm sure Yorai can give some sort of explanation...
    The only thing tapi requires to run properly is terraria's 1.2.4 assets , if you have those in the right place it wouldn't cause any issues - I am not related to avalon so I don't know what are they doing to deal with missing assets (it may just be that avalon provides them...)
    Since you are The Wizard, may i request something to magically appear in front of me?
    I thought your vanity would be that avatar of yours, i already dealt with that T-T
    And would be cool a weapon of yours like lazure and red's yoyo, a summoner staff of those shiny pixie that reminds me the Ice Elemental :P
    I always thought the conquest ending would have been darker and more evil, with Nepgear possessed by the sword and stuff like that. The way it actually played out was far more depressing..
    Yoraiz0r:I like my cheese to sauce ratio low when I order my pizza. I hope no one minds #its-a-metaphor
    Me: I dont put cheese on my pizza :D
    Epsilon Carinae
    Epsilon Carinae
    No cheese... wh... what are you?
    Im was allergic to cheese and then I outgrew my allergy over the summer :D
    I still dont like putting cheese on it though :/
    I love cheese.
    Can u plz tell me what the image file for the star wrath's projectile? Also does it use a projectile and gore?
    I honestly thought the taxpayer would function more like a banker, managing finances and giving out interest prior release
    That feeling when you defeat CFW Magic in the battle thats meant to be unwinnable...on your FIRST playthrough.
    its meant to be unwinnable? because I won everything on the first try 0.o #revive tactics
    Unlike Rebirth 1, you actually got EXP and items from her, that was nice.
    Trying to do a magic medcore expert playthrough is so hard :/ I still cant beat the twins >_<
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