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  • i know i said i usually try not to excessively powerscale-compare my characters anymore, but honestly it's just so much fun smashing virtual action figures together, so let's do it! :3

    gimme any character (hell, even vehicles and stuff are okay) that's your own, from existing media, fanfiction, etc. and just mess around and see which is more overpowered, which can "solo" more, etc.
    i'm embracing the cringe >:)
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    That one op guy I made that I didn't bother to perfectly flesh out his capabilities or give a heckin name.
    I also have someone called vector man and his stuff is stupidly simple and fairly powered but I'm too lazy to write it.
    reminds me of something I did. don't worry, we all have one of those
    Gandalf ðe Grey, and Gandalf ðe White, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight, and Benito Mussolini, and ðe Blue Meanie, and Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie, Robocop, ðe Terminator, Cpt. Kirk, Darth Vader, Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan, Spock, ðe Rock, Doc. Ock, and Hulk Hogan.
    i'm deciding to move most of the things relating to my obsession with the game Einhänder to this one profile post as replies, for everyone's sake
    (obsession period: November 2023 - ???)
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    Reactions: Omnir
    Hell yes!
    i also managed to get cheats to work on the emulator so i can actually have fun playing it :guidehappy:
    (it's brutally difficult otherwise lol)
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    Reactions: Omnir
    It is very difficult. I've been playing it since 1997, and I never beat hard with 1 continue. Beautiful game, but tough!
    okay, charged blaster cannon is busted op
    shredded DF like nothing
    a few more later and i got the first of what i came for

    and unlike the previous two where i had to grind forever, i got the wings shortly afterwards
    welp, i defeated them aliens, yippee
    idk how good the charged blaster cannon is, but it's got really good mana efficiency for being such a high-power weapon (it seems to be buggy in a way) so i'm all for it for now
    i've heard of the platform thing but not the picnic table tactic
    ig i'll try it on the summoner run, since my melee world had lower ceiling double houses, ranged had higher ceiling single houses, and this is a combo of the two (higher ceiling double houses), and since summoner is the "quirky" class i'll do a "quirky" house tower on that run
    @Orchamut Why did you react to that with sus?
    Mostly as a joke because it's sort of cruel to NPCs.
    poo rock guy is down

    originally i wanted to go for a pre-Golem DF kill to get Razorblade Typhoon and pummel Golem to death with it, but DF was too strong (i got him to around 15-20k hp at best) so i had to change my plans, i'll prob get RBT after post cultist lmao
    just wrote this self-demonstrating comment on another site 💀💀💀
    might be a bit offensive so just in case i spoiler'd it
    my internet works again, so here's playthrough update:
    Plantera done first try, did a few more, got leaf blower
    next goal is spectre armor

    i also found the shimmer... clipping away like 90% of a granite biome

    Granite: *exist*
    Shimmer: no
    was searching for adamantite and found a shroom biome and it had a house and the chest had the toad set... how rare is this? lol

    also, there were HUGE adam deposits around the shroom biome so that was a jackpot:
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    Decently uncommon. It’s a cool find, only present in the mushroom biome for an obvious reason.
    now it's time to mine again... hopefully i get cobalt so i can complete the look
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    in the end i got cobalt, orich, and adam, so that's cool ig
    mainly, i'm wondering: is the Meteor Staff worth it? i feel like it has destroyer cheese potential
    i have absolute tons of meteorite and the pixie dust and SoL are easy enough to grind out so i wonder if it's good or not
    mr bone boy is down

    (i've since done some further progress though)
    • Celebrate
    Reactions: Green_Metaknight
    nah, classic
    i have too many skill issues to do expert (let alone master)... just for reference, if i could just barely beat ML with zenith+OP character, then it's pointless to even try with pre-ML gear
    as for WoF, well...
    Try making a minecart track for WoF. It's really fast, rams into enemies, and removes the need for movement accessories.
    might consider that
    i have plenty of iron and wood (and of course there's still plenty of both everywhere) so it should be all okay
    thanks for the help
    just got a gem staff, tungsten+emerald one (also found an absolutely MASSIVE glowing shroom biome)
    next plan is to get gold+ruby staff, that's why i set up gem trees
    what's the fastest y'all have gone in the game? (preferably with screenshot too)

    i've previously reached ~220 mph (~350 kmh) but it was only for about a split second so i couldn't grab a screenshot, but i did managed to get a pic with me going 198 mph (~320 kmh)
    can't stop listening to this banger
    i wanted to save the Eurobeat and stuff for later, but i guess y'all getting a sneak peak :cool:
    found this meme while browsing reddit as usual

    does anyone know what the purpose of the water spray is? (there was also one guy in the comments asking the same thing, but you can't view replies with the new ui)
    ohhh so it is a cat reference
    the commenter i talked about also mentioned something relating to cats so ig they actually guessed right lmao
    my best guess was some kind of "calming-down" effect or whatever seeing as it's a therapy thing
    It would actually have the opposite effect if trying to calm a person down. For example, someone having a panic attack sprayed with water could now undergo sensory overload. Which is a very serious thing (mentally speaking).
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