Zoomo Sep 24, 2015 Wowow I made another game: http://anodomani.itch.io/crushman-supreme-gold-edition amazed? I know.
Zoomo Sep 14, 2015 I don't know what is going on in this but I love it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY25FEsDvxY
Zoomo Sep 12, 2015 a little suggestion for 3DS http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/suggestions-for-the-ui-and-control-of-the-3ds.33255/#post-731060
a little suggestion for 3DS http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/suggestions-for-the-ui-and-control-of-the-3ds.33255/#post-731060
iDuck Sep 3, 2015 Hey, umm, this guy stole your sprites, one of @[574Tobbvald]'s too... and one of @[6121stormconure]'s too... https://youtu.be/3VQS-egMTLk
Hey, umm, this guy stole your sprites, one of @[574Tobbvald]'s too... and one of @[6121stormconure]'s too... https://youtu.be/3VQS-egMTLk
Zoomo Aug 24, 2015 I made a game for ludum dare! play it pls: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-33/?action=preview&uid=57770
I made a game for ludum dare! play it pls: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-33/?action=preview&uid=57770
Zoomo Aug 19, 2015 Another new avatar! I think I'll stick with this as my avatar for a while, as it is actually terraria related.
Another new avatar! I think I'll stick with this as my avatar for a while, as it is actually terraria related.