Random Forum Fights Infinity

Me: "Don't worry about me. I'm a Soul of Fight. We can appear again and again."

Spazmatism: "Yep! We'll be alright."
"Well, just make sure those that can't come back from death are safe, I don't want more innocent lives to be lost because of me."
"So what's the plan ? "
(Hold on if I remember correctly, we're in a cave in the DJ Dimension right ? )
"I need to do this on my own, I can't let anymore innocent people die for me, even if I can bring back dead, they need to be in one piece, now, just let me do this, if you stay, I won't be able to bring you back, you have to get to safety, for both of our sakes."
Me: "Alright. Hey- WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" I turn around to notice a second moon, the real moon, behind the Nebula moon. It was a full moon, and the mechanical bosses were suddenly panicking.

Spazmatism: "Bubby... Don't come near me... I might...." He fell down on his knees suddenly, cursing silently. "Hurt you..." He fell backwards backing up, and was in a corner. "The spell.... Is gone..." Suddenly, a small ball of blue energy surrounded him for a second, then faded. He and the other mechanical bosses were in their true forms now.

Me: "Oh, no... So that's what happened... The spell was elongated..."
"..Alright. "
I turn back to Callie and Marie.
"You two get out of here. Goes for the skeleton guy too. "
"i have a name, you know. "
"Yes, yes, I know, Ness.. "
"Please, I cannot accept anymore innocents being lost because of me so, unless you can return from death on your own, please save yourself."
"Can you explain what you're doing so I can try and plan around it ? I'm pretty sure there's some girl captured somewhere in this place, and I'm not leaving without attempting to save an innocent life either ! "
(this genius going to get himself killed lol)
"So ? We're fighting off a bunch of Lunar Pillars, surely we can handle this AND these guys. "
"So, I have to decide who's worth more, some captured girl or you, I hate these choices, but if things are good she might be safe from what I'm going to do, at least I don't see anyone other than us here, and that means you are in the most danger from what I'm going to do."
Retinazer (in encrypted message): "I can try to stop all this bull..."

Everyone receives a text containing this encrypted message. The sender says "7|-|3/\/\" (If you can't read 1337, it means Them)

Me: "How did that- OH, SHOOT" I get pwned by a Nebula enemy. "Darn it!" I duck into cover and try to decode the message. All I got was "I can try to stop." I texted back.
Me (on text): "Okay? Can you do it?"
Me: "Guys, 'Them' says they can try to stop. I didn't get anything else."
"Hold on, one second.. "
I pick up my phone again.
"Do you see strange lights from where you are ? "
"Um.. no, not really ! Hold on a second, I promise I'll - "
"Alright. I don't have any more time.. "
I hang up, and turn to Munar.
"You better know what you're doing. "
"Can you return to life on your own? I need to know this, I will not let anyone die for me, not anymore."
"Nope. Got confirmation that if you stick to this room whoever is in here should be safe ; I'm out of here. "
I start sprinting towards the exit.
Munar starts glowing with that same bright blue energy. "This is the last chance for safety for you, what I have started cannot be stopped, even by me." And then, it's an explosion of that bright blue energy, it completely obliterates the pillars (even with shield) and now, instead of it being a cave, it's a crater, a huge crater.
The sound and rumbling of a very large explosion awakes me, and thus I quickly head outside, only to see the blue explosion. Not knowing what's going on, I quickly start running in the direction of the explosion to see what's going on. As I'm running, I receive a message.
Impending doom approaches...
"...Really!? Someone summoned the Moon Lord!? Why now!?" *Sigh* "I should just check out the explosion now. I'll fight when that boss arrives."
I keep running towards where the explosion was.
Retinazer: he is now human again. Just before Munar performed his spell, Retinazer performed his, turning the mechanical bosses human again. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Me: I respawn, and see what has been done. "Bull. Oh well, I can just-" Suddenly, Bubby, the Mechanical Bosses, and Munar float into the air. The cave and forest are restored, but the lunar pillars are still gone. "Takes a lot of mana, but it's worth it. It's not any kind of reverse spell. Actually, it simply materializes stuff. Which means you could literally pick up what I made and chuck it into space with your god powers." Everyone floats back down to the ground, and lands gently.

Skeletron Prime: "But Bubby's spell wore off! How are we-"

Me: "Obviously, Retinazer."
*keeps digging caves with a pet Atlantic cod but too senses disturbance above, then digs up to see where it is, digging straight through someones house*
Hang on, were still here, you know I thought we had got a lot further than... WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING OUT HERE THEN!? ABORT MISSION, DIVE DIVE DIVE, BACK TO THE TUNNEL
*also senses disturbance above from the underworld*
Well it was for later, but it seems there's already a fight, plus It's going to end up being fought anyway... Ah well, LETS USE IT NOW!
*Launches voodoo doll into the infernal eternal flame and the fires of mount doom*

*hears the scream of a monster deep below*
You've got to be joking
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