PS4 I recently introduced my little sister to terraria.

Cyan Saviour

A few days ago I introduced my sister to terraria. Now all she does is ask to play. At this point she’s halting my progress, but I feel bad telling her she can’t play. Does anyone have any tips so I can help her learn to play properly so she doesn’t hold me back any longer?
first things first let her play by herself and learn first hand to develop her skills. After all isn't that how you learned to play Terraria? Secondly you should also point her to the Official Terraria Wikipedia as it is an excellent resource for players new and old. Last things last it does not matter if she is halting your progress. Terraria can be more fun played together with your sister, you never know what this you might build or high jinx you can get into

That's about it. hope this helps
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