PC Hello, my new friends!

Old Terrarian

I'm old gamer:merchanteek: I play Terraria from time to time :merchantpassionate:
I'm a programmer and I plan to make a cool MOD or a cool game like Terraria :merchantwink:
Nice to meet you!
Welcome to the forums, Old Terrarian. Nice to meet you as well. Would you like a dragon?
Here, your dragon.

40, huh? I have reason to doubt your intentions, but for now, I'm Meta Knight.
Yeah, 40 is sad.
I'm Meta Knight. Who's your favorite boss?
Gannon from the Past :merchantwink:
Hello there, Old Terrarian! Welcome to the forums!
I hope you great luck on that, friend!
What game is that?
Tower of Princess:
Meanwhile I'm just a worthless piece of garbage with a pretty much endless supply of dragon pictures.
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