Other Remove the no-item-in-use requirement for inventory changes

Currently, the moving items between containers with auto-pause on seem a bit buggy.

Items that can be used seem to have a use time (or delay). So when I use one of these (let's say the magic mirror since it's slow) and immediately open the inventory or loot a chest with auto-pause on, I can't click to pick up any item in the UI presumably because the magic mirror is in use.

Now, I understand locking the item that is in use because otherwise people might be able to trigger the mirror and then drop it on the ground before actually teleporting away.

Suggestion: It would still be great if I could move around or drop any and all other items while paused and some item being in use. So technically, with the exception of the item in use rearranging the inventory, looting and dropping items should ignore this lock.

Interestingly enough, the "Deposit All" and similar functions already override it, meaning that while I can't manually pick up an item I can still use the buttons to move it to some chest.

PS. This isn't only an annoyance with auto-pause. I just used a few Suspicious Looking Eye:
- directly out of the inventory and could not put it down
- from the hotbar and could not immediately switch to a weapon
Again, I understand not being able to use other items (like a weapon) while the eye is still active, but I should be able to switch to them. All human actions take time and I want to be able to fire a weapon as soon as possible after using some other item. As things are now, after the lockout period, I have to switch to a weapon and then fire it instead of firing right away.
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Yeah, I find this really annoying. When I need to quickly swap out items in my Hotbar during a fight (Like potions or something) and I have to unpause (possibly taking extra damage) to be able to access my items.
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