Items Anti-Gravity Hook Suggestions


Currently, the Anti-Gravity Hook works the exact opposite that other hooks do, in that when you grapple something, it extends fully or until you hit a solid object and it allows you to swing around.

This makes it nearly impossible to use it as an actual hook for the purposes of pulling yourself up to something when you want to; you have to keep two hooks on you and keep swapping them.

I propose a suggestion: Make the Anti-Gravity Hook controllable.

W = Shorten the Hook's Line
S = Lengthen the Hook's Line
A = Swing Clockwise
D = Swing Counter-Clockwise

When you initially grapple, you should stop all movement immediately and you can freely extend the hook's line or retract it. That way you can control whether or not you pull closer to what you grappled to, or go further away, regardless if it is up or down, or across or what-not. Swinging should not happen unless you use A or D in which case it should swing in the directions indicated above.

If you have multiple hooks out, W and S should control the last hook you shot, making the other two automatically compensate.

This would give you full control over the Anti-Gravity Hook and would make it much better in use.
I can't support this....

The anti-gravity hook works the way it does because full control would be slightly unbalanced

To iterate this point a ranger using vortex armor stealth can swing around full speed in stealth mode on the anti-gravity hook which allows them much more freedom to dodge fast moving projectiles, but it has the flaw of having a set path that you can dodge using.

If you make it so you can control it that would greatly unbalance this tactic making it far more viable to just stealth any boss fight single or multiplayer, and just swing around on the hook
I can't support this....

The anti-gravity hook works the way it does because full control would be slightly unbalanced

To iterate this point a ranger using vortex armor stealth can swing around full speed in stealth mode on the anti-gravity hook which allows them much more freedom to dodge fast moving projectiles, but it has the flaw of having a set path that you can dodge using.

If you make it so you can control it that would greatly unbalance this tactic making it far more viable to just stealth any boss fight single or multiplayer, and just swing around on the hook

Make it so that swinging on the hook breaks stealth, then. *shrug* Which would make sense, anyways.
Cool idea, I like it. I don't really like the current Anti-Gravity Hook, I always make money on them by selling :) The current one is useful only in my Moons & Invasions Arena, which is a platform over a big hole full of traps. So, very rarely I use this hook to hover under the platform but over Spiky Ball and Spear traps. I use this method to check what enemies are in the hole.
I like it, as the current anti-gravity hook is simply a pain in the arse to use.
You do have some control when you attach at least 2 hooks to a wall, but in my opinion it doesn't improve things much.
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