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  • Recently, I throughout tested the healing mechanism, and the problems in this post could possibly be resolved.
    The Celestial Stone(as well as other three) actually gives a 1 HP/s health regeneration rate and does stack. But with 500 max HP, the natural healing rate would be 7.5 HP/s. So, the testing could potentially insignificant for the difference with and without the equipment.
    By the way, I also found a way to use a small program to directly read the system time, so that it would be more precise than using a stop watch. The health regenerate time from 400 to 500 is 14141 ms, and with a Celestial Stone, it become 12359 ms.
    Watched the first episode of Kotoura-san, and it reminded me of something: "If we had the ability to read each other's minds, the first effect would be to dissolve all friendships" (A phrase I read somewhere)
    I finally got around to watching some more of PMMM. I've watched through episode 10 now, and I must say, the characters are confusing me. Due to recent experiences I have had, I realize that not every eighth grade girl hates my guts, so that helps. I have been wondering why Madoka doesn't listen to Homora's warnings about making a deal with Kyubey, even though she knows the consequences.
    Your Conscience
    Your Conscience
    I'm really starting to enjoy the show, no matter how confusing it is. Also, I feel like Mami and Sayaka may come back at some point. Not sure why, I just have a feeling their not gone for good.
    Decided to write a comprehensive guide on the summoning class in Terraria. It's 12 pages long and counting.
    Just wondering, how many seasons of Log Horizon are there right now?
    Your Conscience
    Your Conscience
    Also, is there a season three in production? Because I will be rather sad if there is not.
    The anime caught up with the original material it was based on and even went a tad ahead of it, so a third season can't even be in production unless they do a spin off.
    That being said, no one knows if a third season will be made when there will be enough material to adapt.
    Your Conscience
    Your Conscience
    That's a bit sad. I really would like a season three sometime.
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