Terraria Community Forums

Gem Drill terrified me. This show is so good.
Dakota Spine
Dakota Spine
The instant the giant bubble grew up, like in the snap of a finger, I screamed so loud. That was amazing.
MegaMage314 🌳
MegaMage314 🌳
The battle between Malachite and Alexandrite was pretty epic.
Dakota Spine
Dakota Spine
Alexandrite's final arrow that fired a beam similar to Rose's Light Cannon, but with the Gems instead was really neat. I loved that.
MegaMage314 🌳
MegaMage314 🌳
It was cool how alexandrite used all three of the previous fusions weapons to fight. Also breathing fire. I wasn't expecting that.
Magic Sponge
Magic Sponge
The best part was the 30 or so seconds Jasper was on before she :red:ing died
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