Terraria Community Forums

Alamandra Vonn Pravus
Alamandra Vonn Pravus
hope she gets better qui. i know that i probably can't, but is there anything i could possibly do?
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
To ask something of anyone would be too much as is.
Right now, I need to seriously think about what to do after the inevitable.
Alamandra Vonn Pravus
Alamandra Vonn Pravus
i know this may seem a little cold hearted, but move on. don't get stuck with the grief.
mourn for a week or so and then continue with life. life doesn't slow down for deaths of others.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
She isn’t dead yet though.
That’s the thing, Juice.
I have to sit back and watch as she slowly comes apart, helpless to do anything except provide comfort in her final months/weeks/days.
The grief I will get over, but a quick and painless death this isn’t.
And THAT is what bothers me.
Alamandra Vonn Pravus
Alamandra Vonn Pravus
i sat here for five minutes and wondered what to post.
i'm pretty bad at giving advice or comfort
so i'll say hope she gets better
because i really do hope she'll get better
can she get a kidney transplant?
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