Terraria Community Forums

Vitrolic Medicine
Vitrolic Medicine
So... let me guess - like ORAS is because something got broken in this PMD? (ngh, I can't even type it without referring to MLP)
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Diamond the Piplup Ω
No. because with IGN's review in ORAS, they rated it 7.8/10 for "Too Much Water".
Thus, that meme was born.
Vitrolic Medicine
Vitrolic Medicine
Ooh, I see now. Nevermind my silliness.
Diamond the Piplup Ω
This is even worse than ORAS. This is basically saying that the content the game is based around is too plentiful, and that more content is worse.

Excuse me, what the :red:? That's like saying that ORAS had too many pokemon!
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Or Breath of the Wild has too many Shrines.
Or Mario Odyssey, too many moons.
I can go on and on.
Mario Odyssey had too many kingdoms.
Terraria has too many blocks and enemies.
Metroid has too many collectibles.
Dark Souls has too much dying.
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