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  • I love your game infinitely! My best friend missed his game so much cuz he had mac os redesigned in 64 bits anymore... May I request you could build 64-bits support in terraria. We will be appreciated in your work very hard. Don't be hasty. I wish you will have wonderful day. :happy:
    Hey, will the switch release of 1.4 be the same day as the other console releases?
    probably not because they are different
    Say, wasn't there a music remix contest some stupidly long while ago the winner(s?) of such got their track added to the game? Whatever happened to that? Just curious, the memory suddenly came to me and I don't remember what happened.
    I just want to say I love the game, and you guys at re logic are great and good work. <3 P.s: I have an idea for vanity on that submition. It is like the true eye of chuthulu, but witha headset. I suggest it is obtained by killing the moon lord. Also, can you give the moon lord boss a background? It will improve the fight immensely.I would really appreciateif you made these changes. Once again, thank you
    Hey I have mini boss idea its star that can be summon by puting a cursed star in sky island chest then it its like mimic but its a star it shots star burns a refence to star burtes and have be pre planter hard mode it drops a star rod summons baby cursed stars
    Do not contact
    Do not contact
    your going to need more info like:
    and Many more coding things I have no idea how to say
    Cool idea, but I doubt they're adding regular/minibosses anymore
    Hey I have mini boss idea its star that can be summon by puting a cursed star in sky island chest then it its like mimic but its a star it shots star burns a refence to star burtes and have be pre planter hard mode it drops a star rod summons baby cursed stars
    Hey red I have a question will there ever be mods for mobile
    Unfortunately, that decision isn't up to Re-Logic, but rather the owners of the mobile platforms (Apple, Samsung etc.). Generally speaking, they don't allow third-party mods.

    You can read more about our specific policy on modding and hacking here:
    Gaming gang
    Gaming gang
    hey red i have e question. will terraria stop being supported?
    1.4 will be the final major update when it comes out. In that sense it will be getting no further updates overall.

    It is still likely there will be 1.4.0.x updates which are bugfix updates after 1.4 comes out. When that would end it is not certain. My guess is hotfix updates would keep rolling out until the developers are confident it is as bug free as it can get.
    Hai Boi. you best be making some good stuff because i can be a real problem when it comes to copyright... >:)
    Hi Redigit! I LOVE terraria! I just started it a few months ago. I’m having trouble defeating the mechanical bosses. Any advice? Thanks. I play on Xbox.
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