Terraria Community Forums

Oi thank you, I had totally forgotten about the daily spoilers, maybe I should reveal a few things...
Kit Da Percussionist
Kit Da Percussionist
Kit Da Percussionist
What mod are you working on?
The mod is called MasterPiece (no, not masterpiece, master- piece) I'm planning lots of content, but sadly i suck at coding, so it might take me a while to publish the mod, The mod currently ads 5 pre- hardmode bosses, Around 40+ enemies, and probably more than 200+ items, I haven't added any hardmode or post- moon lord content yet.
So yeah, that's about it.
Kit Da Percussionist
Kit Da Percussionist
Kit Da Percussionist
I'm not great with coding either.. maybe someone could help you!
It would be nice to have a coder, I think I asked for a coder a while ago, but for some reason I just deleted that post, can't remember why tho
Kit Da Percussionist
Kit Da Percussionist
Hmm maybe repost it or find another. I'm gonna try and get a computer and then I'm gonna learn to code.
oh, you wanna help with the mod?
Kit Da Percussionist
Kit Da Percussionist
If I could help, then yes. Althoigh if i was to code id have to get a pc
Nah don't worry, you're good.
For now I'm only looking for a bit of help with coding.
Kit Da Percussionist
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