Terraria Community Forums

Wander the earth for a hundred years.
Peanut sauce
Peanut sauce
wander the earth
Cease to exist, I could not live with not being able to help or do anything
Cease to exist i hate it here enough
I'd choose to just have the thing that's actually supposed to happen to me happen. Although I do want to know, with the option to wander the earth, what comes after those 100 years? Is it the same non-existence or what?
Mug Not Found
Mug Not Found
Spectator mode!
Elemental Δ
Elemental Δ
I'd want to see what happens after I die. Does the world devolve faster or slower? It's going to go further downhill no matter what, but I want to see how bad it gets.
Wandering the earth would be fun. Get into all the places I’m not supposed to be in.
The second seems novel at first but would eventually become maddening. It'd be like being the Outsider from Dishonored except without the added perk of granting people great power just to see what they'd do with it.
Dark Sunshine
Dark Sunshine
I absolutely would do spectator mode if it meant I could throw things
But since I can't do that, I can walk up to animals and things without scaring them off!
Unless dogs can in fact see ghosts. That would be interesting
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
cease to exist, i don't wanna stay here now, being here as a ghost or something seems like hell
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