Terraria Community Forums

Fire changed and bug changed and flying changed
Champion Greninjoid
Champion Greninjoid
What were they before?
The ones that I thought changed were Fighting and Bug
@RT Studios
I don’t remember but they definitely changed
Champion Greninjoid
Champion Greninjoid
Fire might have been Incineroar, but I didn’t want to have too many starters on there. Flying was always Articuno.
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Champion Greninjoid
Champion Greninjoid
Wait was fire Galarian Darmanitan?
Sigmund Froid
Sigmund Froid
It was, I went down the rabbid hole, it was Galarmanitan
Champion Greninjoid
Champion Greninjoid
How did you find it? I spent like half an hour trying.
Sigmund Froid
Sigmund Froid
4th page of your recent profile posts, I think.
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