Terraria Community Forums

Champion Greninjoid
Champion Greninjoid
Can it only be with Agoti?
Kane Schmitz
Kane Schmitz
I'll really do any character except for sakuroma
Champion Greninjoid
Champion Greninjoid
Does it have to be modded?
Kane Schmitz
Kane Schmitz
no, they don't have to be modded. All they need is a spritesheet with less that 100 sprites and i'll do it.
Champion Greninjoid
Champion Greninjoid
Skid and Pump but the colors are swapped (basically Skid has Pump’s color scheme and vice versa)
Kane Schmitz
hey, u still working on that terraria mod or did u cancel it?
Kane Schmitz
Kane Schmitz
sorry, what mod?
then it must be dead... rip
Champion Greninjoid
Champion Greninjoid
I don’t remember ChimeraWarden doing a Terraria mod…
Kane Schmitz
Kane Schmitz
@YaBoiChair i literally have not made a single terraria mod in my life, what are you talking about
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