Terraria Community Forums

Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Anothing thing is regarding raven, or should I say captain schwann. While that whole reveal was definitely from far out of left field, I feel like his "death scene" was undone too fast, it should've atleast lasted until after Heracles.
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
The next thing is patty. Usually I dislike party members who's combat style revolves entirely on luck, but that doesn't feel like much of a problem for playing as patty, and this would be the second (technically third) game where I decide to play someone who isn't the main character
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
I have also reached the point where (I feel) Flynn has decided to permanently join the party, but considering the in-and-out that patty was doing when she first joined, I feel like I should hold on that judgement for now
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
And the last thing is just how long is this game? I feel like I should be really close to the end of the game for some reason, but there's 2 continents that I still haven't had to go to for story reasons, but, according to the trophy list, I'm only halfway through the bosses.
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