Lord Ruby
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  • Thanks tumblr, now I want this to be a thing in the game even more. edit: goddammit tcf stop miscentering
    FEA: Wow, the male Robin and Chrom support conversations are significantly less entertaining...
    FEA: I did the maths for fun, and I realize that the children can't be older than 12 (with Lucina as the exception, she's 14) o_O
    Lord Ruby
    Lord Ruby
    Highlight to see, cuz since spoilers

    So Lucina is one year when older Lucina tells Chrom she's his child and from 11 years in the future, that mean she's 12 when she arrives, and thus 14 after the 2 years. Presuming that the other children aren't born until nine months after 2 years, they would be 10 when arriving, and thus 12. This is really young, also they can have a baby with Robin...
    FEA: Morgan, what the hell? I get that bugs are grossness incarnate, but you shouldn't complain, you can literally kill it with fire.
    FEA: I just discovered old Hubba and oh god, I thought Japan wasn't into this kinda stuff.
    FEA: The AI is both good and bad, it knows how to focus fire, but it can't really deal with bottlenecks (cont)
    Lord Ruby
    Lord Ruby
    It just suicides into my strongest units (which I've stationed there) even though they'll do less than 4 damage and I can attack twice back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I just got Fire Emblem: Awakening and I'm already in love with Robin's dialouge (female, if it matters). Stay tuned for more tomorrow.
    Lord Ruby
    Lord Ruby
    Also Chrom is hawt
    Lemme know how it goes, I want to buy Awakening for myself.
    Awh, I hate it when all the forum activity disappears into one announcement thread like this
    Lord Ruby
    Lord Ruby
    '402 comments' and counting, that's too much.
    Otherworld seems interesting, especially the skill system, maybe we will finally get a battle system that's not 'aim and hold the button'.
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