Terraria Community Forums

Food Barbarian
Food Barbarian
I would follow more, but I dont know who I want to follow yet. I know Red and the artist is pretty good.
"I know Red is pretty good" Yeah, because he'll probably punch you if you said otherwise hahaha
Food Barbarian
Food Barbarian
Red isnt the fighting type. That's where the food barbarian steps in. He would just make me beat up myself. Fight Club style.
Is this one of those awkward situations when you know you do a lot of neat stuff but you can't say it out loud and you have to wait for someone else to speak up on your behalf? And in the meantime you feel the need to recommend someone else?

Some other prominent artists are Daimera, Suweeka, and Szaila. Check them out, they're really good.
Baconfry can't draw a single damned worthy thing. :dryadwink:
Food Barbarian
Food Barbarian
Ouch. Hurtful!
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