Terraria Community Forums

When I was very young, I was a huge fan of it. Around the time I was a mid-late teenager I sort of lost interest (around the Piraka arc) I actually managed to find the classic MMOG by sheer coincidence. Here it is if you're interested http://biomediaproject.com/bmp/files/gms/online/matanui/player.swf
The comics are good for getting the story, as well as the above game.
Thanks for your reply about the comics. I will read them.
Here's my story: I got interested in Bionicle around the Toa Hordika arc. I bought a lot of them, and I lost interest around the Glatorian arc. I still bought Mata Nui and the last Tahu.
It's only when I learnt they were relaunching the series that I started obsessing about it. I never really paid attention to the story.
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