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  1. B

    Texture Pack Journey's end Graphics overhaul: part 2

    I will try unzipping it one more time
  2. B

    So this isn't a texture pack but I assume I am not the only one.

    Dude like I said one of the texture packs I had before wiping my drive because of technical issues worked before ON 1.4
  3. B

    So this isn't a texture pack but I assume I am not the only one.

    The thing is I am trying to redownload a texture pack (moonlord turned into a pickle... Pickle lord) and I had it before (1.4 and before as which I wiped my har drive and redownloaded terraria) but now when i download it, it doesn't wanna work.
  4. B

    So this isn't a texture pack but I assume I am not the only one.

    So I did that for a texture pack and it still didn't work. (before you posted the msg)
  5. B

    So this isn't a texture pack but I assume I am not the only one.

    So I use PC and I've been getting texture packs that work and don't work but are marked for PC only. I am wondering how I could fix this (since you just drag the .ZIP folder into the texture pack folder). If anyone could help that would be appreciated
  6. B

    Texture Pack Journey's end Graphics overhaul: part 2

    So, this doesn't only happen for this texture pack but for a few others. When I put the ZIP folder in my textures folder it doesn't appear in my terraria texture packs list. Anyone else have this issue?
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