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  1. 11clock

    I find corruption spawning after being the WOF so stupid

    Trying to contain or cleanse the corruption is a giant waste of time. I just spread hallow around important areas like my town homes and then just let corruption spread wherever it wants. After I get the Clentaminator, I cleanse the surface of corruption via hallow spray and leave it at that. I...
  2. 11clock

    Is “getfixedboi” actually fun?

    I intend on playing this seed when modding is updated to 1.4.4, but my impressions from spoilers are pretty mixed. All the seeds combined with extra changes looks both great and terrible at the same time. Is it actually worth playing the everything seed, or should I just go with the remix seed...
  3. 11clock

    Lunar Event Rework Proposal

    It would actually be 45 kills in single player to take down a pillar shield. If you feel that is too much of a nerf, though, it could be "40 + [20 per player]" instead. I'll need to playtest to figure out the exact numbers. You misread the pillar drops thing. I said increase. To the point where...
  4. 11clock

    Lunar Event Rework Proposal

    The lunar pillars are one of the worst events in the game for a multitude of reasons, so I would like to try to make a mod to make the event more fun. The three main issues with the event are that it's too long, the mobs can be obnoxious, and they don't work as a proper skill check to fight the...
  5. 11clock

    NPCs & Enemies Most invasions should end if all players are dead.

    Given the high difficulty of the Moon Lord as well, the player should be good enough to defeat the pillars in time in order to fight him imo. That said I'm going with an 8-10 minute timer that resets on each pillar kill for now. That should be fairly generous I think. Anyways, I was working on...
  6. 11clock

    NPCs & Enemies Most invasions should end if all players are dead.

    I decided to take my ideas and turn them into a couple of mods. Losable Invasions Invasions are given 10 minute timers, and players are given 3+ shared lives (depending on player count). If the timer ends or the players run out of lives, the invasion will stop. If you are playing single player...
  7. 11clock

    PC Torch God's Favor didn't spawn in Multiplayer Dedicated Server

    Done the event a few more times in a different multiplayer session in a different world and different characters. Still not dropping for us at all. It also refused to start for one of my friends.
  8. 11clock

    NPCs & Enemies Most invasions should end if all players are dead.

    I just did the Expert Lunar Towers for the first time and can now give further feedback on this event. I was using Shroomite Gear with the rocket helmet and Snowman Cannon throughout the event. I was able to do every pillar without dying at all other than the Solar Pillar (where I got sniped...
  9. 11clock

    Journey's End 1.4.4: Balance Feedback and Discussion Thread

    I have been using Snowman Cannon as a ranger and I honestly think that this weapon is borderline broken. It deals insane DPS, homes on enemies so you barely need to aim, has great AoE with mini nukes, and it can't harm you. I see no reason to use any other weapon now since this weapon destroys...
  10. 11clock

    PC Torch God's Favor didn't spawn in Multiplayer Dedicated Server

    My friend and I attempted the Torch God's Favor event. Eventually he managed to do it, but didn't get the Torch God's Favor item. I then tried it and succeeded, but I didn't get the item either. We checked our inventories thoroughly and spent a good 15 minutes looking around our arena and...
  11. 11clock


    This game was designed to be played with softcore in mind. Mediumcore was patched in later, although it doesn't really fit the nature of this game. The main penalty isn't just dropping coins, but being sent back to your spawn point. This means you need to backtrack to where you died without...
  12. 11clock

    NPCs & Enemies Most invasions should end if all players are dead.

    My comment on the bestiary wasn't an argument, I was just saying I have no input on it. Currently with the lunar event, if you die during Lunatic Cultist, you fail. If you die during Moon Lord, you fail. This means that the event already demands skill in 2 of the 3 parts to it. The lunar...
  13. 11clock

    NPCs & Enemies Most invasions should end if all players are dead.

    I don't have much to say on the bestiary requirements, since it isn't a feature I care much about. For resetting the shield when everyone dies, as said, they can greatly lower the requirement for removing the shield. So basically, you need to be good enough at the game to take down the shield...
  14. 11clock

    NPCs & Enemies Most invasions should end if all players are dead.

    I actually have a lot of issues with the lunar events, being my least favorite event in the game. I would honestly restructure the entire thing to not work how it does currently. So here are the changes I would make, since adding a death penalty isn't enough to savor this event, and would need...
  15. 11clock

    NPCs & Enemies Most invasions should end if all players are dead.

    That's the problem, though. You can just keep throwing yourself at the pillar and die repeatedly until it is eventually down. This means that there is no real difficulty to the pillars, since death doesn't set you back at all other than needing to walk back over to it. Perhaps to compensate for...
  16. 11clock

    Items Changing How to Get Biome Keys

    You are assuming that most players will think to remove the walls in the first place. You aren't expected to cheese the game in such a manner. (If anything the devs should probably patch this. Make dungeon walls and backwalls as strong as the jungle temple.)
  17. 11clock

    NPCs & Enemies Most invasions should end if all players are dead.

    In 1.4, invaders spawn everywhere you have NPCs, so you do not have a safe spot. Pylons are also disabled until invaders are defeated. There is nowhere to run but underground. There are specific ways to cheese invasions, but players shouldn't be forced to rely on them if they are undergeared. A...
  18. 11clock

    Items Changing How to Get Biome Keys

    While it's nice that there are faster ways to get the biome keys now, I still don't like the method of obtaining them in the first place. They can increase the drop rate and provide means to increase it, but it's still a very boring way to get biome keys (farming isn't my idea of "fun"). What...
  19. 11clock

    Items Changing How to Get Biome Keys

    I just had another idea to make the keys still feel earnable instead of giving them away in the jungle temple. I propose that the key that Plantera drops is a reusable key that not only opens the Temple, but ruins located in the other biomes as well. The Temple would have both the jungle key in...
  20. 11clock

    Items Changing How to Get Biome Keys

    The idea is to avoid needing to farm them at all, and have them be something you just get naturally. You still need to survive the dangers of the Hardmode Dungeon to get the loot, anyways. Content shouldn't be locked behind RNG, and Terraria has a bad habit of this as-is.
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