There's not really any item that I hate or would want removed, so I'd just remove Dirt and now terrain doesn't exist anymore 😈
If it only removes the item and not instances of the block appearing in the world then I'd just remove the frostspark boots
I'm team Lava Waders and no one can convince...
Well let me know when you have an answer! Don't feel rushed or anything though; I'm going to be very busy this weekend because of the funeral that is out of state for me, so I won't be able to start up the RP over this weekend or anything lol-
I just want to point out that not only is my RP the first Google result when you search its title, but also if you ask the new Google AI it knows what the RP is :cool:
As you guys have probably realized by now, I only have really been able to scrounge up enough time to be online once or twice a day right now, so unfortunately things like rebooting RPs have been a little on the slower side-
Which sucks because ideally I'd have at least one RP back up and...
Well here's the thing; I have a reason story/rp lore-wise that I have that would canonically allow any character or OC that is strong or OP to be limited in strength
The reason why I have people limit their character concepts at all is so that when they lose the restrictions they do not break...
Well honestly if you'd like, you could use those characters! Just write in a reason for why they WOULDN'T have all of their powers immediately in the RP, and they could gain them back over time (I was gonna do something similar with Akia so I'm not just pulling random ideas out my :red: I promise lol)
An equipment item that gives you God mode without hacks or cheats; you'd get it by defeating the Moon Lord in Master Mode, and it'd have all kinds of neat functions that are very similar to a Terraria equivalent of Minecraft creative mode
Making too many good RPs is both a blessing and a curse-
I don't know which ones to get back up and running first, and which ones shouldn't get back up and running at all 😭
Nope, as long as you can confirm that when you RP, having multiple characters won't impact the quality of your RP-ing at all (e.g. not getting overwhelmed from multitasking or forgetting about certain characters a lot)
And it makes things a lot less hard on me personally if I don't have to group up with every person who wants to participate with an OC to formulate a backstory myself that they approve of lol-
Personally I feel like you always make good characters! Whenever you RP with them, I always think they're great!
I only need backstories for the characters at all because I don't want to try to write backstories of OCs into the book thing myself without the maker of the character's consent or...
You have a completely different way of doing characters than me lol
I generally have an idea for a backstory or origin of a character and design a character around that concept
Sometimes it just means the character ends up being :red: but it is what it is lmao
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