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  1. Kirby Eevee🌳

    TCF 10th TCF's 10th Anniversary! (Another) Contest, Hidden Spoiler, and more!

    Ok yeah that was a little too blatant! XD I finally found it!!! :P This is a huge win for the community :dryadgrin:
  2. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Pass the World - The TCF Edition!

    OMG i just found this!!! I didn't know about this, it looks too fun! :dryadhappy:
  3. Kirby Eevee🌳

    TCF 10th TCF's 10th Anniversary! (Another) Contest, Hidden Spoiler, and more!

    Yeah, i refuse to see it until i find it myself XD It has to be somewhere!
  4. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Stress Ball i think :P

    Stress Ball i think :P
  5. Kirby Eevee🌳

    OMG THANK YOU!!! 💙💙💙🍀🍀🍀🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎈🎈🎈

    OMG THANK YOU!!! 💙💙💙🍀🍀🍀🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎈🎈🎈
  6. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Terraria State of the Game - August 2024

    HOLY KFNFKFBKDBDKDK THAT'S SO COOL!!!!!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️🌩🌩🌩🌩🌩 IT'S TERRIFYING AND I LOVE IT 💙💙💙 It's literally saying "GO BACK TO HOME!" ⚠️😄
  7. Kirby Eevee🌳

    ME ENCANTA XDDD KDNDKNDDN Es demasiado pegadiza 💙💙💙💙💙 ¿Le pusiste algún nombre??? ¿Es Abbu?

    ME ENCANTA XDDD KDNDKNDDN Es demasiado pegadiza 💙💙💙💙💙 ¿Le pusiste algún nombre??? ¿Es Abbu?
  8. Kirby Eevee🌳

    If i have to guess before he answers it would probably be... bad torch luck XD

    If i have to guess before he answers it would probably be... bad torch luck XD
  9. Kirby Eevee🌳

    I remember he once said that he wanted to start putting information and spoilers in fewer videos :P

    I remember he once said that he wanted to start putting information and spoilers in fewer videos :P
  10. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Terraria State of the Game - July 2024

  11. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Man i love suggesting sky stuff! XD It's just too entertaining! ☁️

    Man i love suggesting sky stuff! XD It's just too entertaining! ☁️
  12. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Biomes & Nature A Bit Of Sky Love

    @Impostor @Warm Water :happy: I made this concept drawing for the thread! ^^ Thanks for the idea guys! 🍀
  13. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Here it is! :dryadtongue: A little drawing concept about Swans! 🦢 [ATTACH] Thanks to @Impostor...

    Here it is! :dryadtongue: A little drawing concept about Swans! 🦢 Thanks to @Impostor for the idea! 🌟 It's also gonna be in @Warm Water 's sky biome thread, he's doing a pretty good job with cloudy critters!
  14. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Terraria players, what is your most painful moment you had while playing the game?

    Maybe when i played getfixedboi for the first time and couldn't take a single step without Crispy Honey Blocks burning me alive in seconds
  15. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Biomes & Nature A Bit Of Sky Love

    Do you guys mind if I help with concept drawings? :dryadhappy:
  16. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Rayos, necesito un piano XD

    Rayos, necesito un piano XD
  17. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Kirby in a fight is cheating at this point :dryadgrin:

    Kirby in a fight is cheating at this point :dryadgrin:
  18. Kirby Eevee🌳

    Han pasado casi dos meses y todavía no lo decifro XD

    Han pasado casi dos meses y todavía no lo decifro XD
  19. Kirby Eevee🌳

    That's really suspicious o.0

    That's really suspicious o.0
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