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  1. NotaVoltorb

    tModLoader Prefixes for Enemies

    Any updates on this mod? It was always funny to see really small bosses or big enemies
  2. NotaVoltorb

    tModLoader Metroid Mod

    Let's go!
  3. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    It has been mentioned before: "Currently, I guess you could say the mod is still in alpha... a very late alpha, but still alpha. The reason being is that there's still multiple placeholder values/variables, and what I and my team are testing for is to create better base values to start...
  4. NotaVoltorb

    Terrafine - Resized Terraria Texture Pack

    I look forward to seeing your progress on this pack. I would suggest posting a couple of screenshots!
  5. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    Looks very good dude!
  6. NotaVoltorb

    **REPORTED** No normal underground cabins on map

    Reverse google searched the image and I can confirm it is 5 years old
  7. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    I'm curious. When balancing the mod, was it balanced and tested on Expert mode? How do you think the mod will function on other difficulties?
  8. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    Let's say I did know someone who was familar with music production. What songs would need to be done? Could you give one example?
  9. NotaVoltorb

    Weapons & Equip Stardust Guardian improvements

    My man this post came out 5 years ago
  10. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    Just in time for the Journey's end!
  11. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    I love the broader shoulder pauldrons on the newer design. It really makes her suit look tough. Gravity suit is my favorite of all her armors in the series, so I gotta say the design is quite impressive and faithful.
  12. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    Still checkin in every now and then, huh. I can't help but look everyday
  13. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    Animal Crossing has made the wait for this mod a little bit easier. Still hyped and have been checking multiple times day though!
  14. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    My man is really trying to release the mod in the same month as animal crossing and doom eternal. What an absolute legend
  15. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    Damn dude these are nice! Incredible animation as well!
  16. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    Man I am glad to see that this is still being updated. Take your time and keep up the great work!
  17. NotaVoltorb

    tAPI [WIP][Released] Metroid Mod

    Glad to see this is still being worked on! Take your time Scooter and keep up the work!`:D
  18. NotaVoltorb

    20 Duke Fishrons and still no Razorblade Tycoon

    20 Duke Fishrons and still no Razorblade Tycoon
  19. NotaVoltorb

    Great buildings(and else)

    My modded playthrough town. Named the character after my lady friend!
  20. NotaVoltorb

    Hot Topic Post your Terraria hours!

    When you feel like a nub because you only have 440 hours :dryadcry:
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