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  1. thisisabadname

    Terraria Enters its Teens!

    happy birthday!
  2. thisisabadname

    Game Mechanics Potential issues with stackable weapons.

    I know, I know. People don't like to criticize features that aren't even out, but I feel like I might as well point out a list of issues that could come up with the stackable weapons feature so that they are addressed before release. 1. Ranger currently uses the stack number as a way to display...
  3. thisisabadname

    terraspark boots aren't worth it

    Ive started to use boots less and less, specially in hardmode Also terraspark's are so nice to have on getfixedboi
  4. thisisabadname

    Terraria State of the Game - April 2024

    I really like how you all are promoting automating some stuff, it is pretty gun to do that and I can't wait to mess with it.
  5. thisisabadname

    Other New Sound Sliders/Accessibility Options

    Great idea. I also hope they can add a box next to the sliders so that I can just input the value I want, instead of messing around with the sliders. Having 99 or 102 instead of 100 is pretty annoying for me.
  6. thisisabadname

    Game Mechanics Move frost moon and pumpkin moon to post-mech (and hardmode ore balancing)

    I don't think such a major progression change is good for the game, nor do I think that this is the way to go about making the moons more relevant. Could be neat for don't dig up maybe.
  7. thisisabadname

    Items Voodoo dolls for other npcs?

    Have you heard of the flymeal? It's pretty useful. Check it out: Wiki.
  8. thisisabadname

    Game Mechanics Allow Players to Get Out of Minecarts by Right-Clicking on Them

    yeah, that's how you're supposed to dismount
  9. thisisabadname

    Game Mechanics Allow Players to Get Out of Minecarts by Right-Clicking on Them

    I would rather not have that to not do that on accident, can't ever recall feeling like mount button wasn't good enough
  10. thisisabadname

    PC Lesser known/utilized Shimmer transmutations and decrafts for advanced players

    Please use explosive trap instead of laura, it's so much better
  11. thisisabadname

    Terraria State of the Game - March 2024

    I got a suggestion related to this on my signature
  12. thisisabadname

    Terraria State of the Game - March 2024

    awesome, roller skates are fire Am I the only one more excited about roler skates than banner menu and placeable kites
  13. thisisabadname

    Game Mechanics Cap the max momentum damage of all Jousting Lances to 5,000 so that you can't abuse that to one hit dungeon guardian

    not OP, needs too much setup to be worth it (there's a bee mount setup which is pretty easy but that will get patched I think) not broken, works as intended not a bug, read above doesn't need fixing
  14. thisisabadname

    Weapons & Equip Ranged weapon animations

    drawing doesnt work for a lot of bows imo (phantasm, hellwing, etc)
  15. thisisabadname

    NPCs & Enemies Archangel: Post-Golem enemies.

    calamity like suggestion (not in a good way)
  16. thisisabadname

    Blocks & Decoration Honey bricks

    could also replace walls of structures in ntb
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