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  1. dimbo33250283

    3 gb of memory ram is good to play with 60 mods?

    but the xna limit is 1.55 gb of memory ram even you have unlimited memory
  2. dimbo33250283

    3 gb of memory ram is good to play with 60 mods?

    dammit no one help in this community but if you put anyone help me? in the title all go help he
  3. dimbo33250283

    3 gb of memory ram is good to play with 60 mods?

    hi i want buy memory ram to my 32bit system 3gb is the max that a 32bits can use because im using the tremor,thorium,gabeaswon,legendsofterraria,zocklucas,etc. mods and when i try create a world the memory ram go to 1.3 gb and crash so i want know if 1gb more can help this my computer have 2gb...
  4. dimbo33250283

    Out of memory terraria? the soluction is buy memory ram?

    so i installed like 100 mods but when i try generate a world or open a world just give a error in the 50% or 89% if i open the terraria fast i can open the world and play but in a small world after i enter in the world i can play without any bugs the memory go when open a world 1.4 gb ram but...
  5. dimbo33250283

    tmodloader use much memory

    thanks i go try now thanks a lot it work
  6. dimbo33250283

    tmodloader use much memory

    hi when i test terraria without any mod installed the terraria use 400 mb of memory if i install tremor and thorium this go to 1000 mb i cant play with like 30 mods including tremor and thorium because when i try play a world the memory of terraria go to 1300 mb and i have only 2gb of memory ram...
  7. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    zock i just tested theses 5 mods cavewiesel,legendofterraria,thorium,tremor,cheatsheet and i loaded a world and lagged the game and the game as closed and saying outofmemory i think the problem no is using much mods but using big mods the world as loaded the bar of items and enemies but much lag...
  8. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    in the mod browser have mods like pies vanity sets that when u try load he say that no is compatible but why no crash when i use all of theses mods except thorium and tremor?
  9. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    Zocklukas wait i go get the log wait i opening the terraria Exceção do tipo 'System.OutOfMemoryException' foi acionada. em Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatLine..ctor() em Terraria.Main.DrawMenu(GameTime gameTime) em Terraria.Main.do_Draw(GameTime gameTime) em Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime)
  10. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    thanks ripper so you can run all mods that i say?
  11. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    any world crash just cant load what modloader are u using im using the 8.12
  12. dimbo33250283

    what modloader are u using?

    what modloader are u using?
  13. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    no crash all time i just cant load the world i cant play the game what modloader are u using?
  14. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    i removed he and back working the game again but i want play with all mods with the tremor and thorium but to play with thoses i need remove mods like gabeaswon cavewiesel
  15. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    I have like 90 mods without tremor and thorium im playing with thoses no any bug or lag or any outofmemory but when i install Best a mod that only add 17 items 50 kb crash when try load the world this looks a error of compatibility when loading 67% 70% 88% can be any number and freeze and say...
  16. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    ok i go put the list here wait...
  17. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    i no have much things i removed lol,minecraft i just have terraria as a game that i play
  18. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    yeah how increase this? im from brazil like in the minecraft u can active a option that use 2 gb and can run modpacks
  19. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    aaa so my pc cant run so many mods? why you no know how resolve this? need active a option of the pc to use more memory?
  20. dimbo33250283

    PC How to add prefixes on weapons(question)

    you know why happens the outofmemory error when try load a world with tremor or thorium or some mods i can use tremor and thorium but i go need remove like 40 mods to work you know why happens this? my pc is 32 bits intel graphics 232 gb so work the game when u try using all mods no crash?
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