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  1. Flaming_Glacier

    Mobile Best thing you have ever got from presents

    Candy Cane Sword and Red Ryder. Got those 2 in a row right before an EoC fight.
  2. Flaming_Glacier

    Mobile Weird Terraria Experience

    Just wanted to share something with my fellow Terrarians. I don't if it's just me or my Terraria worlds are generating some "interesting" things. Unfortunately, DU Recorder Screenshots can't be uploaded, so I can only describe them to you. Here are some that I remember: Breaks 3 crimson hearts...
  3. Flaming_Glacier

    Hello, everyone!!

    Thank you @Unit One! I feel like I'm making friends already. :happy:
  4. Flaming_Glacier

    Hello, everyone!!

    :happy: Hello, everyone! My name is Flaming_Glacier, but you can call me Zero (somewhere below, I guess). `:(I'm sorry that I'm only doing my introduction today. I joined a few weeks ago, but I didn't get to introduce myself because: a. School work b. I was a bit nervous to talk...
  5. Flaming_Glacier

    Hello. My name is Flaming_Glacier. I love playing Terraria because it's different from the other...

    Hello. My name is Flaming_Glacier. I love playing Terraria because it's different from the other games.
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