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  1. tropischtruitje

    Terraria State of the Game - October 2023

    Amazing SOTG!!
  2. tropischtruitje

    Hot Topic Your Terraria Progress, Announcements, and Moments! Share Them Here!

    I tried summoning a goblin army using a goblin standard but didn't realize for 30 minutes that I disabled mob spawns....
  3. tropischtruitje

    Favorite vanity set?

    I love the Plaguebringer's set.
  4. tropischtruitje

    What is your favorite gun?

    The Phoenix Blaster. I also like the Venus Magnum and the Megashark.
  5. tropischtruitje

    Did you guys miss this?

    In the seed spoiler video from Chippy yesterday he spawned in with the Carrot which is a bunny pet summon. Edit*Nm its from the collectors edition of terraria.*
  6. tropischtruitje

    Items What do you think about "Super Bottomless Bucket"?

    Maybe have two combi buckets, one for pre-moonlord without the shimmer bucket and one for post-moonlord with shimmer bucket. The liquids can be cycled by right-clicking in the hotbar.
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