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  1. ReOverxeas

    Terraria Mobile 1.3 Reaches Alpha!

    you can just ignore them. but yes, it is annoying when one ask the same question that is already answered.
  2. ReOverxeas

    Terraria Mobile 1.3 Reaches Alpha!

    being symmetrical seems nice, but i won't be surprised if the controls are uncomfortable.
  3. ReOverxeas

    Terraria Mobile 1.3 Reaches Alpha!

    they will send you an e-mail.
  4. ReOverxeas

    Terraria Mobile 1.3 Reaches Alpha!

    by the way, how can someone in that "very selected group" report bugs and send suggestions?
  5. ReOverxeas

    Introducing the Void Vault and Void Bag

    it is ridiculous to find a void in a chest, then i remember, one can get a gun inside a... ball? i'll just leave this here. hehe.E
  6. ReOverxeas

    Terraria Mobile 1.3 Reaches Alpha!

    what do you mean by "drug ui elements?" if you meant drag, it is most unlikely to happen (my guess). but i know the struggle of having the controls fixed; it's uncomfortable.
  7. ReOverxeas

    i l

    i l
  8. ReOverxeas

    i love writing; i am not committing to.

    i love writing; i am not committing to.
  9. ReOverxeas

    Sprites Making clay less useless.

    i don't think bricks as throwable weapon would be a great addition. it is somehow good early but could get useless lately. but i like that idea to make clay of more use. some decorations could be good.
  10. ReOverxeas

    Terraria Mobile 1.3 Reaches Alpha!

    i am not sure. the reason why i asked if it would be a separate app is: is it possible to update an app with different build(being recreated and/or recoded)?
  11. ReOverxeas

    Terraria Mobile 1.3 Reaches Alpha!

    at launch, will it be an update of the existing app or will it be a separate app to buy? another thought, nice work. i can wait for years if necessary.
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