This is not Terraria 2, it is Terraria Otherworld and it is better than the best game i knew and has more items than terraria has. When Terraria2 comes, it will be better than Otherworld and of course it will have more items than Otherworld.
How Re logic company has too many ideas?It is strange...
I'm thinking tnat otherworld will be not like Terraria. Games from the same company must not be confused. Some say '' ok, terraria otherworld , the terraria 2..." Have you ever realised that the creators want to show us from the name how the game will be?I mean the type of the game.
Smaller meteorites, less distruction, but very few meteorite ores
However, it's veeeeeeeeeeeeery good updete.
Can you imagine the moon lord in the mobile version?l'm just saying.........
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