In Game Creation:
Santa's Workshop! Normal looking house on top with a fully functional workshop below!
Merry Christmas and happy New Year all
Thanks to my friends Eubreaux, Faykan, and Nyk for all the help and effort you guys put into this!
In Game Creation
My friend (Known as Eubreaux) and I came up with the idea to have all 3 weather types (rain, snow, and sandstorm) included in one screenshot. The Rain is subtle but it's there if you look close enough. As a more subtle theme to the building that follows that theme is fall and...
Hey all, I thought I would make a video in hopes of bringing to light at least one of the issues people my be having with the most recent version of TModLoader. Hopefully this helps :) Please note this is not a fix or a solution, but simply me showing the issue that others may be having.
I actually went back to try out your suggestion and while it matches a bit better, I like the torches a little more because they do a better job of showing what's going on.
Here's my CC entry. Hope you enjoy and it may be a little late too.
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