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  1. Burnscars

    Game Mechanics Events in the Underworld

    I'm sure that the suggestion of having a variety of Voodoo dolls has been mentioned already at some point to trigger ever more dangerous and bizarre bosses, or event items like pumpking medallions triggering mayhem in the underworld, but I couldn't find any threads with a few searches, so those...
  2. Burnscars

    Other Game The Armored Core 6 thread!

    I have a few videos on my YT. I'm still tweaking settings so these videos aren't very good yet, but I'm making adjustments. Enjoy!
  3. Burnscars

    Casual Things you believed when you were very young

    When I was 2 in 1983, I thought the movie "Superman" was a dramatization of a real guy.
  4. Burnscars

    Casual How did you get your TCF name?

    I fell in lava.
  5. Burnscars

    Weird Thought on Moonlord Drops

    Because the Carebears taught him the Carebear Stare.
  6. Burnscars

    Which is stronger: Blood Eel or Hemogoblin Shark?

    I've been killed by the shark twice but never by the eel. I was wearing the angler set in master mode and didn't take the Hemogoblin seriously, twice, so I was basically begging for death. Shame on me. I learned to switch to my defensive set quickly after that second encounter.
  7. Burnscars

    Casual Unpopular Opinion Thread

    I have the unpopular opinion that derailing threads with far off base tangents are actually fun departures that sometimes provide lots of food for thought.
  8. Burnscars

    Do I Suck or Does Defense Suck

    Don't you mean Freedom English and English English? Also, I hope the author of the thread doesn't misunderstand. Defense doesn't suck, but I'm not implying that any players suck either. I offered the video to help deepen the understanding of defense and how to truly min/max it for survival. You...
  9. Burnscars

    Video The Museuleum

    Is it a mausoleum or a museum? ...YES! It's been a few years since I made Halloween content for Terraria. I wish I had never abandoned the tradition, I had a lot of fun! Here's a build video;
  10. Burnscars

    Casual Unpopular Opinion Thread

    I don't know if this is exactly an unpopular opinion, but I believe that raytracing, although impressive technology, will cause developers moving forward to become very lazy with regard to lightmapping for raster graphics and that raytracing is a massive waste of hardware resources. Even if you...
  11. Burnscars

    Terraria Paradise

    Been living most our lives, livin' in a crimslime paradise! Dropped tombstones once or twice livin' in a harpy paradise! Goblin after goblin, Tower after tower, Not another bloodmoon, Sand is overpowered, Crushed by a boulder, because I wasn't lookin' The Angler buggin me for the fish I been...
  12. Burnscars

    Do I Suck or Does Defense Suck

    This video not only shows the value of defense, but also gives hints on how to optimize defense. Of course I would like to add to that. What I recommend, is to kill a boss you can handle to farm it for stuff, like the twins, because they offer great upgrades (the ocular staff especially if...
  13. Burnscars

    Biomes & Nature Crimson Desert Background is BORING

    I'm glad I called attention to it. I like both crimson and corruption worlds, so calling them out might end up working for everyone. This game has an interesting aesthetic and the art direction has been very good throughout the years, so I'm sure if anything is done about this, it will be done well.
  14. Burnscars

    Biomes & Nature Crimson Desert Background is BORING

    It's so forgettable. We're two comments in, and players had to revisit the biome to even remember what it was like. That's a pretty strong case for my argument.
  15. Burnscars

    Biomes & Nature Crimson Desert Background is BORING

    This game has tons of content. Considering that there are over a thousand reasons to like Terraria, I can easily live with having 2 problems with the game. One is fishing but I don't see a reason for that to change. It's great, I just don't personally like it. The other thing though, is pretty...
  16. Burnscars

    Weapons & Equip O.M.G. - Orca Machine Gun

    I'm not Nintendo and any idea I share in public is for public use.
  17. Burnscars

    Hot Topic What is your favorite Weapon?

    The Morning Star. If summons count, then Ravens. Very, very Belmont.
  18. Burnscars

    Hot Topic Share your RNG luck here!

    I murdered two goblin tinkerers with a lava bucket because they were eating too much platinum. The third Tinkerer seemed to get the message and now all my gear is Warding. I make sure to remind him that I murdered the two goblins before him and now my luck is excellent! I've got Legendary and...
  19. Burnscars

    Do you collect toilets?

    I'll take this as a challenge.
  20. Burnscars

    Why does Necro armor have a lower rarity then Jungle armor despite being obtained later in the game?

    I don't think it's relevant, but I often kill Skeletron first. I get a grapple hook, throwing knives/shurikens, and often kill skeletron before reaching 200 health. I don't think that's the intended progression but Skeletron is the easiest to access boss in the game. You can even set up a...
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