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  1. Moslot

    Sprites please just bow and crosbow animation

    this bow and other bows doesnt have animations. I don't know if it is difficult to make this animation, but we seriously want it, I don't know if it will spoil the nature of the game. not all of us but we can't enjoy using the ranged class in the game. Please at least have a little animation...
  2. Moslot

    Biomes & Nature Extra large world. Why don't we have larger or bigger mauntains?

    I think we need to make the terrain creation more realistic to make it more discoverable. before the 1.5 we wanted to be discover more terrain like sand mauntains or snowy mauntais. Or people may come up with a setting that can at least slightly determine whether the world is big or small, very...
  3. Moslot

    Weapons & Equip Why don't we still have a bow and crosbow animation yet?

    when we using crosbow or bow, we getting bored without animation i think when character use a bow or crosbow, its just holding the bow, It only stays fixed when using the character bow or crossbow.
  4. Moslot

    Game Mechanics Let's hear your best suggestions for seed combinations!

    EXTRA large world like twice a large world, and the player will be able to see, for example, 2 ice or jungle and hollow biomes in the world because its too hard for the player find a not corrupted ice or jungle biome, maybe player can see corruption and crimson biome in the same world, and...
  5. Moslot

    Items "i have no enemies"

    hey red can you add i have no enemies picture in terraria, we need some peace
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