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  1. Nightshade1701

    Game Mechanics Let's hear your best suggestions for seed combinations!

    Shout out to Throarbin for the idea, but a combination seed with Celebrationmk10 could make the entire dungeon painted with black or shadow paint so it's pitch black and harder to navigate. Don't know if it should be for the worthy for the difficulty or Drunk world so it fits with it being under...
  2. Nightshade1701

    Game Mechanics Let's hear your best suggestions for seed combinations!

    small thing, but a combination of no traps and CelebrationMK10 should should have a more special death sound for dying to a trap, like children celebrating or a round of applause
  3. Nightshade1701

    Title: costume connoisseur requires you to craft a set of every armour in the game Could or...

    Title: costume connoisseur requires you to craft a set of every armour in the game Could or could not include ancient sets and/or vanity depending on how grindy people want to be to get it
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