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  1. MACMAN2003

    Happy Birthday to Terraria!

    Happy Birthday to Terraria!
  2. MACMAN2003

    November 1st, Christmas time!

    November 1st, Christmas time!
  3. MACMAN2003

    If Off-Topic were a spaceship, what part of the crew would you be?

    The guy that comes out of cryo every now and then.
  4. MACMAN2003

    Say a word related to the word that the person above you said!

    Evil (next poster pls say EU bc meme war 3)
  5. MACMAN2003

    Say a word related to the word that the person above you said!

    SiO2 (Glass, which is a common container for Ethanol)
  6. MACMAN2003

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted but because of collective intelligence, everyone is dumber. I wish for a fish that watches dish.
  7. MACMAN2003

    Say the first word that comes to mind

  8. MACMAN2003

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, it is a starter weapon. I wish for infinite wishes
  9. MACMAN2003

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, you die because tumbleweeds are actually dead. I wish people knew what ligma is.
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