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  • Users: Chime
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  1. Chime

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  2. Chime

    Oh thank you!

    Oh thank you!
  3. Chime

    tModLoader The Stars Above - 'Conquer the world's evils, Starfarers at your side.'

    It means the conditions to fight a specific boss have been met and if you wish night to return to your world you'll need to defeat it.
  4. Chime

    Final Fantasy Distant Memories (WIP, Currently recruiting) Download available!

    WHOO! Gonna go play this immediately!
  5. Chime

    tModLoader The Thorium Mod

    There's a mod called start with base that basically builds you one of these at the start thats customized in various configurations/blocks.
  6. Chime

    tModLoader Metroid Mod

    I'll try to answer some of these myself. You can find their updates for 1.4 tmod on their discord right now. It's constantly being updated so it's definitely in the works. Yes. Yes eventually all bosses or most I believe. Eventually we'll have dungeons and stuff. These may also be delegated to...
  7. Chime

    Final Fantasy Distant Memories (WIP, Currently recruiting) Download available!

    Maybe if it looked like it was coming down instead of direct? I dunno if that's possible or not though. Also it shooooouuuuld be possible to have Figaro castle spawn in a larger desert around it possibly maybe.
  8. Chime

    Final Fantasy Distant Memories (WIP, Currently recruiting) Download available!

    Ah the good 'ole aga spells. Will say Blizzaga does look a little weird when used in Terraria because of how the spell animation actually is but that's also just because it was originally a spell targeting something instead of hitting nothing.
  9. Chime

    Final Fantasy Distant Memories (WIP, Currently recruiting) Download available!

    Oh man. I know I will be and am glad to hear that. I just hope you're also taking it easy at times so you don't burn yourself out.
  10. Chime

    Final Fantasy Distant Memories (WIP, Currently recruiting) Download available!

    Oh man. Those look good. I'm so happy to see more updates on this. Truly.
  11. Chime

    Final Fantasy Distant Memories (WIP, Currently recruiting) Download available!

    Sounds good! I'm so unbelievably excited for this mod you have no idea.
  12. Chime

    Final Fantasy Distant Memories (WIP, Currently recruiting) Download available!

    Oooh man. Classic spell effects looking good. I'm curious how useful Drain will be though. It looks relatively slow? Does that little circle follow the player or do you need to stand still for it?
  13. Chime

    Final Fantasy Distant Memories (WIP, Currently recruiting) Download available!

    God all of this looks so good. I'm still waiting patiently for this to come out.
  14. Chime

    tModLoader TRAE Project

    That...just isn't possible. They spawn fairly frequently and they're constantly yeeting projectiles at you. If you're not fighting them then you're having to dodge them while fighting other things. That's just not a fun enemy to deal with when you've also got everything else in hell and even...
  15. Chime

    tModLoader TRAE Project

    Even if it is the explosion radius is just too large. It's bigger then dynamite and with how many they shoot as a melee you will likely just die.
  16. Chime

    tModLoader TRAE Project

    My personal suggestion would be to make them either not fire out projectiles or drastically reduce the size of the explosions from them. The adds they spawned along with the pixies themselves just fire massive explosions in tiny packages which makes fighting them difficult. Also yeah not sure...
  17. Chime

    tModLoader TRAE Project

    So I love a LOT of changes from this mod so far. However I do have two immediate issues with it. Bomb pixies and exploding frogs are FAR too dangerous for being pre-hm type enemies and they only get WORSE in hardmode because they just create massive explosions everywhere that ignoring them and...
  18. Chime

    tModLoader Fargo's Mods

    You need a block to make it work. So just drop a block down where you want the entrance to be and click it to make the house spawn.
  19. Chime

    tModLoader Fargo's Mods

    Turn off calamity mod, refresh mods, go into the mod settings for fargo's and turn off banner boost, reload mods, then turn calamity back on. That should fix it.
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