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  1. JonDaTerrarian


  2. JonDaTerrarian

    How to get to 1.3 beta unlock

    This isn't really a guide. More of a... not guide. Besides, we only have to wait another 21 hours 8 minutes 2 seconds, so just wait!
  3. JonDaTerrarian

    Hot Topic Post your Terraria hours!

    939. It would be more, but I've been holding off since November last year so I can play it fresh when 1.3 comes. Yeah, probably could've played some more.
  4. JonDaTerrarian

    Destroy the Godmodder

    Kitten missiles are so cute! I think I'll rejoin the battle while they're waiting with my Copper Shortsword!
  5. JonDaTerrarian

    Destroy the Godmodder

    Kitten missiles are a-go! They have smart sensors which will allow them to time their hit perfectly as to take advantage of any weaknesses in the God Modder's defence.
  6. JonDaTerrarian

    Destroy the Godmodder

    My nuclear missiles are nearly armed! I'm putting kittens on the top as to boost effectiveness.
  7. JonDaTerrarian

    Destroy the Godmodder

    I stand proudly on a 3D hill a few miles away and watch as all 15 of us attack the Godmodder. How can we fail to win? Just in case, however, I think I may retreat to my nuclear bunker and start arming missiles.
  8. JonDaTerrarian

    Destroy the Godmodder

    JonDaTerrarian joins the battle! (AG) I threateningly wave my fists at Godmodder123 in the hopes he/she/it will be frightened!
  9. JonDaTerrarian

    The Right Person to post wins.

    What about me? Is it me? I could probably throw a few extra letters in if you'd like!
  10. JonDaTerrarian

    It's not my birthday! Oh well, it was a good day.

    It's not my birthday! Oh well, it was a good day.
  11. JonDaTerrarian

    NPCs & Enemies The Slimeologist npc

    I made it using a program called which can be found HERE.
  12. JonDaTerrarian

    It's my birthday once again! How is it that I'm suddenly one year older in just a second?

    It's my birthday once again! How is it that I'm suddenly one year older in just a second?
  13. JonDaTerrarian

    NPCs & Enemies The Slimeologist npc

    I made you a sprite for the British Slime! Feel free to use it as long as you give credit.
  14. JonDaTerrarian

    NPCs & Enemies The Astrominer NPC

    This is a cool idea, knowing about events before they happen. You may want to rethink the moon stone though as it already exists.
  15. JonDaTerrarian

    Weapons & Equip Vampiric Teeth Accessory

    What about the Vampire Knives?
  16. JonDaTerrarian

    Pixel Art Derpo's Magnificent Sprites

    Another trend!!? Buckets!!? Well... my day can't get any weirder.
  17. JonDaTerrarian

    Corrupt a Wish

    I wish for marshmallows!
  18. JonDaTerrarian

    This or That?

    Portal! Up or Down?
  19. JonDaTerrarian

    PC How did we survive back when...

    How did we survive back when you needed axes to break wooden blocks?
  20. JonDaTerrarian

    The Last Post Wins!

    The prize is mine again!
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