This came really suddenly. Like, damn.
I've only interacted with Leinfors a couple times, but he's been a positive presence on these forums for as long as I can remember.
Hope you like it on the other side, mate. 🫡
Hot off the press:
Day-night cycles have been removed outside the Wild Area. Each location is now locked into a single time of day.
Also, they're cutting moves too. Say goodbye to Karate Chop, Ancient Power, and other favorites.
In case you guys want a taste of what's going on, gym badge level restrictions now apply to catching wild Pokemon. If you find a shiny and its level is too high, tough :red:.
Where was the combination lock puzzle? Don't remember anything like that.
(I really do think CrossCode would've been way better, though, if it had puzzles that weren't about bouncing balls.)
They're using it to invade Twitch streamers. The victims don't even know they're fighting another player- they think it's just a boss battle. It's nuts that the game even works like this.
So some guys on 4chan found out that you can sneak into other people's Cube World sessions and PVP them using special scripts. Not making this up. Dear god.
@TheQuietBisharp This is for the regular Switch.
They're making future models with new parts so they have significantly better battery life. Same name, features, price, and everything.
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