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  1. Matt (DailyHop)

    Have not been on this forum (and this account) in over 9 years, I saw the Terraria Steam post...

    Have not been on this forum (and this account) in over 9 years, I saw the Terraria Steam post that the forum was 10 years old already... I remember when it was called 'Terraria Online' and everybody moved over to the new 'TCF' haha. Happy birthday TCF :guidesmile:
  2. Matt (DailyHop)

    Well guys! I am back, and happy to say that on September 27, 2015 I will have been on TCF for a...

    Well guys! I am back, and happy to say that on September 27, 2015 I will have been on TCF for a year! :D
  3. Matt (DailyHop)

    Terraria 1.3 is so :red:ing hard, even without expert mode. :(

    Terraria 1.3 is so :red:ing hard, even without expert mode. :(
  4. Matt (DailyHop)

    PC IT HAS BEGUN! - Terraria 1.3 Launches Today!

    How do you fight the lunar boss?
  5. Matt (DailyHop)

    Five Nights at Freddy's discussion thread

    Mine is already on..
  6. Matt (DailyHop)

    Five Nights at Freddy's discussion thread

    Huh? That's weird, shows up just fine for me... I'll fix it :)
  7. Matt (DailyHop)

    Five Nights at Freddy's discussion thread

    I found some very interesting things when brightening up the image... The secret letters were easy to catch, and so was the Or was it me thing but I don't think anyone noticed there is brain tissue visible where I circled for PG, so it would...
  8. Matt (DailyHop)

    Share a trailer!

    Oh. I see.
  9. Matt (DailyHop)
  10. Matt (DailyHop)

    Five Nights at Freddy's discussion thread

    Yeah, same for me. Somewhere in Nov 2011 I got Skylanders along with the PS3 as a sadness gift from my Dad after I just cut my right foot arch during Thanksgiving at my friends house. Man, that was a hard time, his house had lots of glass in the backyard ;-; Anyways, when I played the game I...
  11. Matt (DailyHop)

    I Got Everything What Now?

    You have pretty much done everything in the game, just from my mobile view. I did the same thing, got bored and stuff. The best thing to do is just build.
  12. Matt (DailyHop)

    I Got Everything What Now?

    What device are you on?
  13. Matt (DailyHop)

    Nightmare Zombie Invasion

    thnx On the main menu, just put your cursor down on one of the letters. Just putting your cursor any random place in the Play Game button won't highlight it and won't let you into the game's odd world, it will just keep you on the main menu. Same with Quit Game. I'll fix this in the future :)
  14. Matt (DailyHop)

    Five Nights at Freddy's discussion thread

    I think the game is just going to be a dead cow from all the milking soon, I mean I was a fnaftic first around October 2014 - March 2015, but after I beat the 3rd game and saw the 4th was announced I kind of just left the game there, after all my obsession was getting a bit great at that time. I...
  15. Matt (DailyHop)

    Worst Game You've Played

    Oh yes, I forgot about that one! xD I almost used it but I forgot! Thank you my dear sir. ET Atari is also one of the worst games ever.
  16. Matt (DailyHop)

    I am back everybody, and with a new game I just finished...

    I am back everybody, and with a new game I just finished!
  17. Matt (DailyHop)

    Worst Game You've Played

    I think animal soccer world was one horrible game.
  18. Matt (DailyHop)

    Share a trailer!

    Your trailer was quite good, other than mine. Yours was like almost 2 mins but mine was 30 secs lol, my game is in Alpha and it doesn't have very much to offer, but I didn't really dislike your the trailer, I thought it was awesome! Much better than my NMZI alpha trailer xD (EDIT: It is your...
  19. Matt (DailyHop)

    Nightmare Zombie Invasion

    Sorry I haven't been on the forums in a really long time everyone. Well I'm back with a Terraria style game I made with a friend! It's F2P, you can leave constructive criticism below or any ideas for future updates. Now, please, sit back and ENJOY! :D Nightmare Zombie Invasion is a 2D...
  20. Matt (DailyHop)

    Console The Frost Moon Rises Today!

    welp I guess my eyes will be attached to my vita for 24 hrs trying to beat frost moon
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