In the "resolution" category in the game's options, we can choose: the game's resolution, if we want the game to be in windowed mode or fullscreen, and also if you want your windowed mode to be windowed borderless mode or not.
Some of these things don't work as expected though. First and...
It always blows my mind that this game is not only still kicking, but is still actively hitting new big milestones to this day. I'm sure the 60 million mark will be reached in no time.
The Pirate Invasion has always been an odd case for me. They show up just as early as HM Goblin Army does unless you go out of your way to avoid destroying Demon/Crimson Altars; something that the Pwnhammer, the first HM item you're guaranteed to get, actively encourages you to do. And yet the...
Are you a fan of when games warns you that your health has gotten low? Perhaps you've used iWasHere's "Low-Health Beep" mod back when playing modded Terraria, and then found yourself disappointed that the mod haven't been available at all since tModLoader was ported to Terraria 1.4...
I have my doubts if you'll ever see this, but nevertheless I will express my sadness over the fact that Low Health Beep isn't available in the current tModLoader. There is a mod that does something similar, but that mod took a very different approach that, in my opinion, feels too AAA for my...
Opened Terraria to check it, just in case I'd missed something obvious all this time. You cannot favourite things in your Piggy Bank. I assume you meant in 1.4.4, but have they implied that you'll be able to favourite things in any storage space other than the Void Storage?
Seeing those new additions to the Void Storage is great, its usefulness pretty much just doubled.
Now, if only coins in your Piggy Bank didn't jump all over the inventory when using quick stack, I'd say the extra inventories have been perfected in 1.4.4.
Are you doing a modded playthrough? Have you farmed the Destroyer 100 times and gotten every single developer set except that one set you're actually looking for?
I have. I'm not kidding. I don't mind the grind in vanilla, but in modded the focus to me lies more with the new content than the...
To put this simply: I upgraded from a single-monitor 1080p setup this summer to a dual-monitor setup with a new 1440p monitor as my main and the old 1080p monitor as secondary. But apparently, when playing with 100% zoom in fullscreen on a 1440p monitor the game looks, to be frank, terrible due...
This has been a thing for a long time if I'm not mistaken. It pretty much follows the logic of "if it's in a vanity slot, you obviously wants to see it at all times".
I can double down and confirm that you cannot replace wave banks with resource packs, because they are located outside the content folder. I tried it myself at 1.4's launch.
Ah, I see. It does indeed work after a restart, I guess I jumped to conclusion since I noticed that the update broke custom wavebanks as well as all the vanilla music in modded. Thanks for the help.
The new hotfix,, broke this "texture pack". I don't know what Relogic did with the sound files in this hotfix, but it seems that all mods related to the game's sound effects or music no longer works.
Basically what the title says.
I'm currently playing through the game as a summoner, so naturally I want to be able to use the Terraprisma. However, it's becoming increasingly tempting to cheat/duplicate for Lacewings, since I'm typically only able to acquire 2-3 of them each night due to the...
There's also the smaller details, like the bar showing how much damage you did consecutively from the previous current amount of health, and the fact that the health bar changes color based on how much health is left in percentage.
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