Its pretty impresive that 1.2 is comming out so soon after Hardmode. They must be realising just how big the mobile communtiy is! So keen for 1.2
But here's the real question. When will we see
It would have to be pixies due to how often they spawn they're like the slimes of the Hallow! And they never go away. Damn you Re-Logic
Now I love my goblin tinkerer as much as the next guy but I just think he lacks products. I mean he's great for pre-harmode and the reforging function is great I just think it would be better if he would sell some other things, maybee even a pet goblin(1 platinum). This is the same with the...
The dragon is basically a much bigger and longer wyvren but a different skin/sprite. The Dragon would drop a Dragon Feather that would allow you to craft "Dragon Wings" which a slightly better than Giant Harpy Wings. They would drop 9-11 souls of flight when killed, 1 gold, 50 silver and 10...
Good idea. A real leader packed to the brim with ideas and weapons. And don't worry if your NPC's die their spelunky like ghosts will fly back to their house and respawn out of harms way. :D
I love the idea:D but sice it is a Terra set and the terra blade is a end game weapon then the armors used should be end game armors like turtle,spectre,shroomite armor.
Apart from that it's great
This idea came to me when I was playing Terraria and I thought why can't someone else do this for me. The idea is you can go up to any NPC and pay them 10 platinum (depending on the amount of time you need them for)to help you mine, fight and build. Each NPC has different abilities such as the...
I'll only be able to play on weekends due to school :red2: but Sunday's are the best day just message me and I'll be able to confirm :redmunch:
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