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  1. Meowlegend

    my lucky :red: once again [ATTACH]

    my lucky :red: once again
  2. Meowlegend


  3. Meowlegend

    Also, about the pet, I just used god mode to get it. Nothing impressive.

    Also, about the pet, I just used god mode to get it. Nothing impressive.
  4. Meowlegend

    Yeah, I overprepared lmao. Spent a ton of time with the pre boss stage

    Yeah, I overprepared lmao. Spent a ton of time with the pre boss stage
  5. Meowlegend


  6. Meowlegend

    My lucky :red: [ATTACH]

    My lucky :red:
  7. Meowlegend

    True! It shoots fast and straight, no nonsense unlike most hardmode guns

    True! It shoots fast and straight, no nonsense unlike most hardmode guns
  8. Meowlegend

    Why do you like Minishark so much

    Why do you like Minishark so much
  9. Meowlegend

    Weapons & Equip Buff the spectre pickaxe

    Spectre pickaxe is a pickaxe you obtain after Chlorophyte and it's increased range really doesn't make up for the slower speed. Because of that, I suggest buffing Spectre pickaxe to be as fast as Chlorophyte Pickaxe. This would make it much better as it now can be one of the late hardmode...
  10. Meowlegend

    Character limit

    OH, that's nice.
  11. Meowlegend

    Character limit

    What is the exact character limit for a regular post? Asking out of curiousity.
  12. Meowlegend

    Petition to resprite all feather themed wings in Terraria to be more spiky Similar to Seraph...

    Petition to resprite all feather themed wings in Terraria to be more spiky Similar to Seraph Tracers from Calamity mod
  13. Meowlegend

    Terrasteel, you are awesome.

    Terrasteel, you are awesome.
  14. Meowlegend

    You will always be known as the Dreadnautilus enjoyer to me.

    You will always be known as the Dreadnautilus enjoyer to me.
  15. Meowlegend

    Stupid stuff you did when you were younger.

    I stole 3 lollipops from a grocery store when I was in like, kindergarten. I still remember it at the first and only time I stole a product.
  16. Meowlegend

    To what things do you say "NEVER EVER AGAIN" after you have tried them out

    ... And Pineapple is my personal favorite fruit!
  17. Meowlegend

    Yeah, I am man

    Yeah, I am man
  18. Meowlegend

    Oh yeah, I will definitely look forward to Magic Yoyo bag . It's the thing I am most excited for...

    Oh yeah, I will definitely look forward to Magic Yoyo bag . It's the thing I am most excited for alongside Dead Cells crossover
  19. Meowlegend

    God YoYos IRL are so awesome Yoyos in Terraria though... I wish they had more unique traits...

    God YoYos IRL are so awesome Yoyos in Terraria though... I wish they had more unique traits. And please give Terrarian local iframes I beg you Redigit
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